I was away from KL for 3 days since Thursday. Went to Port Dickson for a teambuilding session. At first I was like, "Man, I'm so not ready for this. Alaaaa mesti ade lectures and all that". But it turned out to be fun anyway! Plus, I got a biiiiggggg room hihihi.
My family was supposed to be here. Apparently they can't :( |
This has cheered me up a little bit. Personal pool wehooo ;) |
At first malu jugak nak mandi because the windows are not covered. Boleh nampak bilik orang depan hew3. |
Kames ritu kitorang bertolak dari office dalam tengahari camtu. Hahaa aku masuk office siap bawak luggage lagi. Bantai jeeeee. We arrived Grand Lexis dalam kul 3pm and then teros pegi Function Room. Ada talk from the bosses and then we headed to our room. Malam tu ada game sikit.
Our first day ended dalam kul 10 camtu. Pheewww penat gila kot. It was blazing hot that afternoon! Lepas mandi and all that, I jumped on my bed, feeling very comfortable. Tapi bila pikir dok dalam bilik sorang2, it was quite creepy actually. With the sound of water in the pool outside, sangat menyeramkan. Ditambah pulak dengan angin yang bertiup kencang malam tu, sampai tumbang pokok2. Ok tu over the limit bro.
Hahahha beranikan diri amek gamba waktu malam. Nasib baik ade radio era, so pasang lagu jom! :p |
Pagi Jumaat tu ade exercise at 7 then kitorang gi breakfast. Pffttt lapa beb. I had this, ala2 western la konon. Tapi rendang ayam tu tak boleh lepas! Teeheee~
Pasta, sausage and baked bean. Very the mat saleh you! |
Balik bilik, snap gamba pool lagi. Sebab tak penah merasa dok dalam hotel camni. Alaaa, cakap jakun je la senang :p
Cantik kan??? :D |
Petang tu ade telematch pulak. We were divided into 4 groups. It was fun! Sume group bersungguh2 nak menang.
Nampak tak semangat tu? |
Hehe this was our last assignment. Comel kan?
Exhausted gile petang tu but my friends ajak main pingpong. Hehe memandangkan dah lama tak exercise, so I guess it's about time to burn some fat. Yea right!
Gemoknya saya. Patulah kena exercise hahaha. |
Arief and Najmi. |
That night at 8, kitorang kena pegi rooftop for our dinner and karaoke session. Heheheh bestnya banyak food!
Hawaian-themed dinner. |
Mr JJ with Dell's son, Fakhri. Comei gila!!!! |
Farouk and Aain. |
Me la of course :p |
Zainul. |
Arief lagi. |
Kahkahkahkahkah ni tak boleh belah. |
Our family |
The stars. Suara sedap, bolehla masuk AF nanti. |
Dalam kul 11, aku balik bilik sebab dah ngantok sangat. Tetiba masa dalam lif, my senior kat Vandy suddenly appeared and she was about to go downstairs jugak. Omg, of all the places!!! She's working with Shell and diorang pun ade event kat situ jugak. Hehhee. Too bad she had to do some other stuff and I was sleepy as well. Kalau tak, bole la hangout kejap ke ape kan.
The third day tu, kitorang abes activity dalam kul 11. Before balik KL, Najmi and the gang ajak men archery. Hahahha sumpah tak penah try. Nebes abes!!
Ni kire orang2 yang pro la hehhe. |
Bolehlaaa, janji ada gaya kan. |
Hahaha ni siap dengan shades lagi. |
Hahah dah nampak dah nak kena kat mana. Tangan pon ketaq ja. |
Tersasar jauh. Alamak! |
Farouk yang tak habes2 dengan phone. |
With Atikah Khairiri :D |
Amek gamba dulu before balikkkk. |
We had a good lunch kat pekan PD. Aku lapa sangat sebab tak breakfast pagi tu. Adoi.
Sate Hj Samuri. Kuah die cair sikit. |
Chicken chop with fries. Takde coleslaw :( |
Sampai KL kul 6 petang. Nasib baik ade sehari lagi cuti before masuk office. Kalau tak memang pancit habesssss.