So hari ni aku pose. Mmg tergugat la iman bila tgk adik mkn nasi lemak pstu terbau mama panaskan lauk kurma. Ergh dugaan beb. Tapi masalahnye, yang aku pegi ke dapur tu wtpe? Leceh. Hmm klau dh pose time bkn bulan Ramadhan, mmg rse penat tu cm extra sket. Padahal tak wat kje2 berat pn, kerek je lebih kn. Rse nk dok dpan tv, peluk bantal, tgk cite wlaupn da ulang bjuta kali kt tv. Haih kenapa la lately aku asek mls sgt nih? Rse berat je badan (mmg pon!) pstu rse mls nk buat ape2. Wuaaaa taksuke gile.
Fine aku da mbebel byk.
The truth is, I feel like I'm missing something. I'm not sure what is it. I feel like I've left behind and I don't know who I am anymore. Omg mcm drama sgt nih. Bukan2. Aku just confused ape yg jd. It's just for the past few months, I think I've changed. Not quite sure what the changes are, though. Tapi aku realize yg aku da kurang bcakap ngn org, jd sgt2 conservative and byk bpkir than before (that's for sure lol). Nk wat something or ckp dgn someone, msti pkir like byk2 kali ok? Tkut tsalah ckp ke, tsakitkan hati org ke. Tp end up org akn pkir aku ni pdiam, tak funny and mbosankan. I feel soooooo discouraged, rse tak confident dpn org, rse mcm everyone's judging me. Omg kroniknya paranoism aku nih! Ok2 stop it.
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Purposely diselitkan so that takde unsur2 emo yg kterlaluan lol |
- Just be yourself and don't think about others because you deserve happiness too
- Surround yourself with funny people (aku suke gile klau org yg ade a lot of sense of humor :D)
- Tengok cite2 lawak (How I Met Your Mother is one of them blergh)
- Busy kan diri sniri, jgn slalu dok sengsorang sgt. Errrrkk...?
- Jgn take life for granted, kang menyesal because every second counts
- Talk to others (a little bit of gossiping won't hurt aite hihihihi)
- Ultimately, pray to Allah, The One Who Listens yet Knows everything kan? :)
Yelah kawan-kawan. Korg dh pesan byk2 kali, dh nasihat sume tp esok luse, aku msti tak okay balik. Bengang kan? But thanks for being patient with me. It's so shameful to admit I sometime can be so childish. Ye ah, nk tgk TV pn berebut ngn Kimi yg bru darjah satu. Moody habesss. Apekahhhhhh T_T
hidayah shukor
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