Dear friend,
Hey you'll be away for months aite? Ke bertaon2? Huhu I wish I could tell you face to face but I guess I'm too scared. Segan kot. Hahaha poyo. So tak kesah la ko bace ke tak.
Bole bace tak? It says: Good luck to you!! All the best..
Congrats on your many achievements! Whatever it is, I'm so proud of you hihih. Happy happy happy. Jangan pikir pasal bende2 tak penting ok. Hellooo at least you've got what you wanted, the one you've been dreaming on.
Tahniah tahniah!!
Tahniah tahniah!!
Well, I hope you don't mind my 'nasihat makcik2' ni haha.
Always try to help a friend in need
Believe in yourself. Yes you can do it!
Be brave, but it's ok to be afraid sometimes *berani bertempat la ni*
Study hard *read the instructions carefully lol*
Laugh often *jangan gelak sorang2 sudaaaa*
Remain calm, although it seems hopeless *rilek2 je wey*
Take lots of naps *nap banyak2 please*
Be weird when you have the chance *jadi gile2, bukan gile*
Love your friends, no matter who they are :)
Take risk *jangan selalu buat tapi*
Try to have a little fun each day *tapi no partying ye , tak elok heheh*
Work together as a team *ape yang penting?kerjasamaaaaaa*
Share a joke with friends *have fun aite?*
Exercise to keep fit *aja2 fighting!*
Smile at least once a day *senyum sokmo ye*
There is always someone who loves you more than you do *wink*
Ultimately, PRAY to Allah and BE GRATEFUL.
Kalau tak senang ati ke ape, you know who you should turn to; Allah The Almighty. Because he grant you rezeki and whatever test he puts on your shoulder, it means He loves you.
You know, He will always love you. Me too :')
You know, He will always love you. Me too :')
Take good care of yourself. Please don't be sick. Keje elok2 ok?
Congrats and Good Luck!!! :p
hidayah shukor
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