{mode : tenang + still eksaited}
Sambungan dari (
Friday, December 24, 2010
Haip haip. Bangun tido dengan bersemangat!! Walaupun sedap berselimutkan comforter tebal, tetap ku celikkan mata ni. Sanggup ku redah angin yang kuat dengan keazaman yang kuat. Yeah! So kitorang mulakan langkah keluar dari hotel dengan harapan tak kena marah lagi pasni. Bagi senyuman yang paling comel kat owner hotel. Konon nye lah!
Kitorang bergerak ke
Pont Des Arts (Bridges of Art). I read over the internet that hundreds of
padlocks (love note written on them) have been affixed to the bridge and the key was thrown into the river. Some people like to express how much they value each other that way. Tapi emm tak perasan la pulak padlocks tu sume (ok da perasan lepas tengok video ni balik). Maybe sebab kitorang busy amek gamba. OR maybe, it was just the guys. =.='
Models yang segak bergaya. *mata ke atas* |
We stayed there for about 15 minutes, enjoying the weather and beautiful scenery. We then headed to
Musée du Louvre (Museum of Louvre). From the internet, it says
"The entry costs to all exhibits are nowadays about €9. It should also be noted that entry is free for anyone below the age of 18 or disabled and European students below 26". Wah ade
free admission! (unfortunately not for us sob sob). So sape2 yang study anywhere in Europe, you can just show your student card and you're good to go hehhe. Klau camtu everyday pon bole masuk museum. If sebut pasal museum, mesti orang cakap
bosan kan? Well, you better believe me!! Sometimes museum can be an interesting place to visit. And fun too! Especially this one. You know why? Check the photos out. Oh and the videos too! Sorry kitorang merepek2 cam biase HAHA :p
This photo was taken after we finished out day trip to the museum. Just to show you the pyramid-looking thing at the back. It was Louvre glass pyramid, completed in 1989 (it was built later than the museum). Tempat masuk museum ni kat bawah pyramid tu. And yes, it is an underground museum. Cool, isn't it?
This is what I'm talking about. Inside the pyramid. Wajib bergambar duluuuu~ |
And do you know why Louvre Museum is so famous? In fact, it's one of the largest art museum. Siyes besar gile! One day is not enough kalau nak explore all those paintings, architecture and archeology stuff. Most of the paintings sume besar2, and there were a lot of em'! And one of them is Mona Lisa potrait, painted by Leonardo da Vincci. Yang original punye, bukan ciplak2 teeheee.
Ramai sangat orang time ni, couldn't get a clear view. |
My friend amekkan. Thanks Syera! (hahah paham ke der?) |
Ok. Time tu tetibe ade ramai Japanese tourists datang pulak. And well, you know, Bell and me adalah kipas-susah-mati orang2 bermata sepet (hahah malulah buat pengakuan macam ni! lol). Kitorang mule2 datang tu khusyuk je tengok paintings sume then mata tetibe focus kat those Japanese pulak.
Nampak sangat motif nye! :p |
Video ni aku amek mase kat hallway yang penuh dengan paintings yang besar2. Time ni Adil tengah cakap pasal orang Korea. Ape tah die membebel HAHA.Tak perasan langsung kitorang record.
Banyak lagi gamba paintings yang aku amek tapi tak larat nak upload da heheh. Here are some of them. My model hari tu adalah Salman a.k.a Mey.
Kalau tengok betul2, all those paintings nampak real and sangat2 detail. Tapi kitorang takde la tengok sume. In fact, ade yang tak sempat baca info pon sebab banyak section lagi kitorang nak pegi. Tapi ade sorang yang bersemangat waja. Siapekahhh?
Tada! Kalau boleh nak masuk sekali dalam lukisan tu. HAHA! |
Sume muka tak bersalah. Yang bersalah adalah tugu tersebut. Ish ish. |
Bell yang da penat menunggu. |
Ok ok I'm coming. |
From right : Socrates, Aristotle, Plato and whooooo? |
Haih penat tunggu Syera ngan Adil ni =.=' |
Takde snow pon tapi agak windy. |
Nampak tak ketidakmatangan di situ? Hahha ade kitorang kesah? |
Sekitar Louvre Museum. Favorite family photo #1 |
Asek korang je bergambo. Kasi can aku pulak. |
Keep on walking! Favorite family photo #2 |
So kitorang bergerak menuju our next destination,
Notre-Dame, which means
Our Lady. Ingat tak cite
Hunchback tu? Haa setting die kat tempat ni la (aku tak tengok pon cite tu HAHA).
I think ni exit tempat parking. Sebelah Notre-Dame. |
Enjoy the video and the view! Heheh macam kat London pulak ade merpati bagai. Mey dok ulang2 cakap merci beaucoup (thank you very much) sebab itu je word yang kitorang tau mase kat Paris ni HAHA! And lepas2 tu die perli owner hotel yang marah2 kitorang semalam. :p
Notre-Dame is actually a cathedral (church) and a place of worship. Actually church tu memang open for public pon. Kitorang tengok ramai je orang kuar masuk. Cantik kan building dia?
Excuse the boys. |
The girls yang sopan. Aha! Favorite family photo #3 |
Orait pastu hari pon da gelap. Kitorang bergerak ke
Basilique du Sacré-Cœur (wah berbelit nak sebut neh!), which means
Basilica of the Sacred Heart. According to Mr Google, basilica is
'a large oblong hall or building with double colonnades and a semicircular apse, used in ancient Rome as a court of law or for public assemblies'. Tapi ni Paris-wise punye basilica hehe. And building tu acts as church jugak. Actually banyak je church and historical building yang ade kat Paris ni. Pegi mane2 in Paris pon mesti jumpe attractions. Memang cantik betul :)
Rase tenang tetibe :') |
Ok ni video aku tengah lumba naik tangga sorang2 lepas tu tercungap-cungap kepenatan. HAHA. Nak bawak korang tengok bandar from the top.
The sign says, Rue du (Road of) Cardinal Dubois |
Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Paris |
The view at night :') |
Heh. Terharu, terharu jugak. Tapi lepas kitorang turun tangga (on the other side), ada 3,4 orang (macam African) tengah tunggu nak pakaikan kitorang gelang tangan. Alaa kat Malaysia pon ade, macam gelang Sabah tu. Bell sorang je yang dapat lari dari diorang. Cis3. Mase orang tu pakaikan gelang kat aku, dia bebel2, "Is this your husband (refer to Adil)? Wear this. You're gonna get a good daughter". Whatttaaaa? Ergh tak kuasa nya nak melayan. Tapi kang dia kuarkan pisau pulak. So terpaksa dengar tak dengar je la (muke memang tak ikhlas habes). Rupe2nye diorang nak mintak duit (tapi peras ugut punya style). Kalau tak, diorang tak lepaskan kitorang. Scary gile. So kalau sape2 nak jalan kat area2 situ, be careful ye? Aaaaaaa rugi 2 euro aku (lebih kurang 8 hengget). Mahal kan? Bukan cantik pon gelang tuuuu :((
Anywayyyy, after a tiring walk, we treated ourself with Arab food. Dua pinggan besar nasi+ayam kongsi lima orang. Yeahhhh bahagia bahagia!
Lapa gilos |
And so, the moment we've been waiting for. Mula2, rase nak balik hotel je sebab perut da kenyang and we felt kinda sleepy. Tapi rase menyesal pulak kalau tak pergi. Our last spot and the reason why people datang Paris; Eiffel Tower !!! Ngehngehngeh *muka bercahaya*. At first, nak pegi esok pagi je tapi nanti tak dapat pulak tengok Eiffel Tower at night. Sebab esok petang da nak bertolak ke Madrid. So we decided to visit Eiffel Tower
both tonight and tomorrow morning. HAHAHAH nampak tak ke
tamakan melanda?
Sejuk oh malam tu. Dengan berangin siap. But we're so fascinated by the lights from that tower. Haha tak kire ape dah. It was a beautiful night :)
Cantiknyeee *pengsan pengsan* |
Favorite photo of all times. Eh #4 :p |
And that's how we ended our day, and it was a good day. Life is great. Thank you Allah :')
[Credit: Some photos are taken by my friends]
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