I adore you because you're just like my dad. You're a simple, kind-hearted, thoughful, dependable and smart person. That's why you can't stand a 'complicated' person like me aite? I know you're a simple kinda guy because you don't care if my cooking is good or bad. Kadang2 kalau ko nak makan nasi, cukuplah setakat ade ayam dan kuah kari sikit. Kalau aku buat kek, ko tersangat lah happy.
You don't care about having too many clothes. Pakai baju yang same every week pon takpe. Kalau lunch, makan roti subway je pon jadi lah. Janji perut tak kosong. Bab makan memang ko tak memilih. Ko paling suke benda2 outdoor and travelling. Sebab tu ko penah cakap nak ade umah kat New Zealand kan? And there's one sport yang ko suka sangat, sukan yang ko main since sekolah lagi. Tapi ko jarang cite kat aku. Ye lah, takut ko cite, aku diam je because I'm not a sport person hehe. Tapi aku sudi mendengar. Always.
You said to me that you adore those cheerful and beautiful looking girls. I know I'm not. Make-up pon tak pass hehe. Aku tak bergaya macam Fatin Liyana or Rina Salleh. Diorang sangat awesome. But I don't want to be someone I'm not. And I'm not going to change myself just to please you. I want you to accept me for who I am and to not making it hard on me, on us. Like you said, we both were trying. And we have stopped somewhere last year. That was all the past. You're happy now.
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tetibe ade gamba orang gojes HIHI |
Why do you have to be more obvious saying that you're lonely and all that sedangkan kau ade 'best friend' yang selalu ada di sisi kau? Isn't she THE ONE who cares so much about you? What are you waiting for? Tell her that you like her too. Even if I say I'm TOO concern and worried about you, you wouldn't even give a damn kan? Because you already have that someone special that always on your side no matter what. Setakat aku ni ape lah sangat. I can tell she's a happy-go-lucky person and she well understands you. Dia jugaklah yang support kita dulu. But I guess she suits you better.
"My wish 4 all women. To empower ourselves by taking care of ourselves 1st! Jgn jd lilin, sebab dah habis bakar tak guna. Jadilah matahari " - quoted by Wardina
This is one of her FB status. She inspires me as well because she's a good Muslimah. I hope, IF you guys are getting married or what, I wish all the best for you. InsyaAllah, you're meant for each other. She's happy with you and so do you.
Emo kan? I don't know what's gotten into me but I know it sucks. Ya Allah, sakitnya hati ni. Benci aarrr. I hate playing with these nonsense games within myself. I can't seem to get over it and I will keep blaming myself although you told me not to. I'm still confused with what just (omg dah nak setahun keee?) happened. I know you're gonna hate me so much because of this but one day you'll understand. Perempuan ni jadi complicated ada sebabnya. Perempuan tu senyap sebab banyak benda dia tengah pikir. Biase la tu. But as long as you treat her well, she's gonna remember and love you for the rest of her life.
Yeah, I have to be strong. Sudah2 lah merengek macam baby. Orang lain pon ade masalah. Orang lain pon penah heartbroken jugak.
Aku janji. I'm not gonna easily open up my heart to anyone. Not just anyone. Because I'm scared. Dah serik dah. This is my promise. Nak keje kuat2 dan taknak pikir pasal ape2 dah. Okthxbye~
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