Baru pas tengok Walimatul Urus Lisa Surihani & Yusry KRU Part 2. First impression, cantiknye Lisa!!!! *eh tu bukan da selalu ke?* Ohh wedding theme yang simple dan kemas. Salute to them sebab bersederhana for the reception. Bagus2. Bukan ape, takut nanti buat grand2 sangat tup tup.....? *ok sila sambung sendiri* Ini peringatan untuk semua. Lagipun, kan tak baik membazir? HAHA eh tapi tapi dah gitau mama, mine nanti nak buat dalam dewan jugak. Bukan dewan yang badminton court tu ye hihihi. At least dewan tu ade carpet la cecececeeee.
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Kau yang teristimewa :') |
"Lisa nak rase macam princess"
Awwwhh suwit sangat. But Lisa, you already are :) Congrats to Lisa and Yusry!! May Allah bless you guys in the dunya and akhirah. Yusry, silalah jaga Lisa yang gorgeous itu. Heh heh heh. Untunglaaaaaa Yusry :p
Alhamdulillah. Diorang da selamat bernikah. They've stepped into another level, with more responsibilities to come. Seronok kan, when we found someone just right for us. Rase nak buat orang tu rase special all the time. Rase nak buat orang tu happy. Walaupun kita sedar kita ni tak perfect, we'll try our best to make our loved one feel comfortable. Try la bace entri Encik BoxerKedut ini. Tersentuh.
Anyway. What if someone special said this to you, "I'm not gonna be all sweet to you and treat you like a princess". What say you? What do you feel?
Ok, for me, I terdiam terus. Speechless. Because those words crushed my heart into pieces. So very much. T_T And I'm not gonna put any expectation to anyone again.
Nowadays jarang nak jumpe lagu2 sentimental camni except Neyo, Christina Perri, Avril Lavigne and some others (ni retis omputih je ok, Melayu mostly pass hehe). Yang lain sume da merepek2. Video clip pon ntah ape2, takde kne mengena dengan lagu pon. HAHAHHA ok tetibe aku membebel ni apeshal??
p/s: Just come as you are.
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