HAHAHAHAHA *teruk betul awal2 da gelak*
Title takle bla..
Takde, today I can finally breathe. Busy jugak la lately. Yesterday was a stressful day for me. I went to see my director, already had an appointment with him. He monitors our performance and give feedback to us from time to time. He first asked me what my goals in the company. Hah nak jawab camne tuh. Of course people will tend to say, to use our skills and knowledge, to learn something new, to gain experience blablabla. But to be realistic la kan, my director said the goal is to earn a decent living. Fair what? We work to earn income, to support our life (lagi la kena keje kuat kalau da bekeluarga nanti hihihih).
I was being stressful, the fact that he seemed to put high expectation on me. He wants me to become like my supervisor, proactive, fast-learner etc. Baru sebulan keje and when he said like that, I feel like kepala macam kena hempap dengan batu HAHAHHAHA. Toingtoingtoing. I'll take my Director's advice from a positive stand of point. It's true, if you don't know what you're doing and you're not passionate about your job, how can you perform well? Hahah aku ni memandai jek cakap kan. Ngeng~
But whatever it is, I have prepared myself mentally that if I have to stay at Philips. Kak Farah pun suruh aku stay je. I am willing to give my 100% commitment kat Philips. Dah penat menunggu Petronas yang tak kunjung tiba. Bagai menunggu bulan jatuh ke riba and I'm frustrated with their HR already. Sorry to say. It's been almost 6 months since my SI and I don't know what more to expect. Keep on waiting? Buat apa tunggu benda yang uncertain? Hehehe. Lalalalaaa~
I realize yang bila da keje, kita boleh lupa kejap benda2 yang tak penting (if you know what I mean). Unless you go ahead and complicate things by thinking too much. Ohhh no way, I am not going to serabutkan kepala otak lagi. Cukup2lah. Alhamdulillah, Allah tunjuukan jalan yang betul untuk aku, jalan yang aku suka. Allah permudahkan semuanya. By keeping me busy with work, He made me forgot those unnecessary things heeeee. My heads become clearer and I can focus more to my job, family and friends.
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This is what we called happy life :) |
Yes yes yes! Berkayak hari tu best gile. Letih mendayung tapi tetap best! Heheh. Sabtu hari tu kan aku keje so malam dah penat sangat. Pagi Ahad tu gagahkan jugak bangun pagi2 dalam 730 camtu pastu siap nak pegi pulau (pulau di sini bermaksud Pulau Pinang yang di sebelah pulau.HAHA ape2lah aku merepek ni). Pick-up Mony dalam 8 lebih pastu cam bese, gossip2 sikit lol. Exit Penang bridge, masuk belah Bayan Lepas and then akan jumpe deret restoran. One of them is Restoran Ikan Bakar Nurul. Haaa amek kiri then straight sampai la jumpe banyak bot sume tu. Time tu Baly, Acap, Nabil and the gang da lama tunggu kitorang (nak dekat sejam kot HUHUH). Segan jugak la sebab time tu aku ngan Mony je pompuan. Ayah, adik, toksu Acap sume ade. Erk. Gambar atas ni kirenye kitorang benti rehat jap kat satu pulau kecik kat tengah2 laut. Cantik, nampak banyak kete atas Penang bridge. Nampak komtar jugak hehe. Subhanallah.
And I don't know why I suddenly like this quote,
"Janganlah kamu mencari pasangan yang terlalu sempurna di mata kamu. Tetapi carilah pasangan yang telah menyempurnakan hidupmu dengan caranya"
sape tegur tu? ceciter2 ;)