Sunday, April 22, 2012

Cantik Macam Heliza?


Dengan rasminya saya suka lagu ni.

Hahah random jap. Ok ok. Entri ni sepatutnya aku tulis Jumaat lepas tapi sebab hari tu aku sakit mata. Lepas balik keje terus tido, tak sempat update blog. Sob sob rase nak nanges kot. Mata jadi merah lagi pastu pedih. Pegi klinik amek ubat titik and antibiotic then doctor cakap, "Jangan pakai contact lens la. Pakai specs macam I (merujuk kepada kacamata bulat yang takde style langsung HAHAA). Semua orang pun nak cantik aaaa?" sambil senyum2. HAHA tak biase kot pakai tudung dengan specs. Takpe doctor, terima kasih atas nasihat anda. Terima kasih di atas ubat2 anda juge :p

Tapi betul, teruk gile aku rase Jumaat malam tu. Taktau la sebab becampur baur dengan keje yang memenatkan tu ke ape. Bayangkan, Khamis tu aku balik pukul 11 malam. Pagi esok bertolak awal pagi pulak. Haihhhh siap muntah2 lagi. Memang sah, I'm getting sick already. Orang tua maaaa T_T

Mom, I don't feel good. Please treat me well.
Anyway, talking about 'sakit hati'. Pagi ni (Ahad) aku mimpi something yang sepatutnya aku mimpi. Ade ke patut aku mimpi orang tu call aku pastu kitorang act like bestfriend? Like OMG macam takkan jadi ok? Sampai beribu tahun aku tunggu pun benda tu tak mungkin jadi. Ommmoo jahat gile kan mimpi2 ni? Even aku da try lupakan, da try tanak pikir. Die nak masuk jugak dalam mimpi. Like ergh, benci gile. HAHAHAH ngengadengade. Heyohheyohheyohhhh~

Aite, enough enough. Benda tu tak penting walaupun penting sebenarnya sebab benda tu buat aku gembira. To be able to hear your voice even in my dream, I feel very honored. Thank you for calling me and talk to me again walaupun dalam mimpi je. But really, I'm scared. I'm not scared to be forgotten by you. At least, not anymore. I'm getting used to it. I know exactly what I should do. Yes, to stop these nonsense in my head. I'm sick of it already. Sick of playing games within myself. And I think I'm gonna burst into tears :'(

What if Real = Imaginary. It can't be right? :p
The more I hate something, the more I fall in love with it. That's why first time we met, I said to myself, "I hate you. SO very much". See what happened now. I told ya.

I hate all these images that keep spinning in my head. All those scenarios, chaos that happened not long ago. I remember the time when we went to beach house at Florida. That was the best time ever. Remember when we were the first to arrive at the house? You remember what was the first time you did to me? Masa tu I asked you guys to eat koey teow/bihun tak sedap yang I buat (sendiri pun tak ingat aiyak!). Remember? Remember now? That was the sweetest thing ever ok!!!! And I was speechless at that time. Sebab tak pernah lagi orang buat macam tu. I'm so touched. Honestly, my tears are running down my cheeks right now. And I don't wanna talk about it anymore :'(

I think this is wayyyy too much already. Bila kita try nak lupakan something, benda tu akan lagi datang. Kenapa eh? Macam ni ke orang cakap one-sided love? Ahhh what am I thinking? I must've been crazy.

Ok, breath in. Breath out. The most important is, although you've forgotten by him, don't you ever forget Him ^_______^
"Ingatlah, hanya dengan mengingati Allah, hati akan menjadi tenang" [Ar-Ra'd:28]    =')
And tehtiba la pulak aku nak letak gamba Heliza yang cun melecun nehhhhh (random kan??)~~~

Sejuk mata tengok Kak Ija nih. Sweet habes. Awak nak saya jadi cam Heliza dulu baru awak approve ke? KAHKAHKAHKAHHH ok aku da merepek. Adios people :))

Cccuuuakkk nye nak keje esokkkkkk.


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