I woke up late this morning. Was soooo attached to my bed that I could only barely open my eyes. Mungkin kah tilam ku ada kuasa magnet?? Yeahh I guess so. It was all because I stayed up last night, doing some slides. And I remember exactly yang I dah save sume files dalam pendrive. Then bila kat office, my colleague tanya, "Eh Dayah ko ade buat slides tak? Aku cam tak sempat je weekend ritu". Aku dengan confident nya, "Ohhh aku ada buat semalam. Jap aku email kat ko". Bila tengok dalam pendrive tu, aku cam @!$#%#$^(*&(@#$@@#$#$$$.
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DENG!! HUARGHHH I SAVED THE WRONG FILES??? *perlu ke caps lock?* |
Agak termalu di situ so aku cepat2 offer untuk re-do balik slides tu. Seb bek still ingat content sume. Anyway, I know I dah menyusahkan kawan I tu sebab patutnya slides tu sume dah ready. Well, at least kalau dah siap, I takkan buang masa buat keja dua kali kan? Tapi takpelah, ni maybe balasan untuk I. Maybe ada wat salah silap tang mana2. Hhahahha pengajaran wey. Takpa positip positip! Adeh.
Speaking of being positive, tadi kat Speaker's Corner, depa bagi tajuk "Law of Attraction". Haaa to be honest, aku sendiri tak penah dengar. Jam sekejap otak aku pagi tu. "Newton's Law" penah la. Emm dia macam, cikgu ko tengah mengajar Sejarah. Tetiba dia bagi soklan Fizik. Hahahahha apa kaitan???
Law of Attraction : Name given to the belief that "like attracts like" and that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, one can bring about positive or negative results.
Because you create your own reality, whatever you convince yourself to be true, will be true. The Law of Attraction is always at work. So it is best for you to be aware of your thoughts and actions. Get rid of limiting beliefs because they will make it hard for you to manifest your desires.
Haa murid2, setakat ni paham tak? Tak paham? Meh sini cek nak explain. Penah terjadi dak dalam life ampa? Ampa dok pikiaq satu benda ni jadi. Tengok2 dia jadi sungguh! Sampai ampa rasa, adakah ini suratan atau kebetulan?? Sebab apa? Mungkin disebabkan law of attraction ni. Bila ampa pikiaq negative, outcome dia pon jadi negative. Tapi kalau positive tu alhamdulillah la kan. Satgi ada pulak yang tanya, "Kenape saya harap saya fail dalam test ni, tapi tengok2 saya lulus?"
Errrr mintak2 takdak di antara anda2 suma yang macam tu ye?
Law of Attraction ni dikaitkan jugak dengan Karma. Padia menatang Karma ni?
The total effect of a person's actions and conduct during the successive phases of the person's existence, regarded as determining the person's destiny.
Tak paham jugak? Eeeee tahan sabaq ja dengan uolls ni. It's like what you give, you get back. Sama lah macam berpikiran positive tadi. Boleh kata macam Newton's Law ketiga jugak la - Bila satu daya dikenakan kat satu permukaan, wujud satu lagi daya bertindak dengan magnitud yang sama tapi arah yang berlawanan *hahahha amek hang..takmau kalah jugak tuu!!*
Anyway, do you want to know how The Law of Attraction can improve your life??
1. You attract good or bad experiences based on your thoughts.
2. Thinking about something means you invite it in, even if you don't want it.
3. The more you focus on something, the more powerful it becomes.
4. It's better to trust your emotions than over-think a decision.
5. You can make good things happen more quickly by thinking about them more.
6. To make a change, you've got to see things as you hope them to be, not as they are.
7. You can increase your magnetic power by devoting time to "powerful thinking" each day.
8. Success isn't a finite resource; everyone can have it.
9. Don't allow yourself to wallow in dissappoinment.
10. Avoid TV shows that deal with negative experiences like crime or illness.
11. Know that your relationship with people are bad because you made them that way.
12. Don't worry about what you're dreaming; instead use your dreams as guide.
Baca! Baca! Read more >>>
Ok enough of google-ing stuff. Now what I can summarize so far :
1. Always think positive - it even applies to your work. If you don't like your work, you'll never make most of it. You will always negate everything that relates to your job, ended up falling down. And you will affect others too. Satgi pakat2 la down secara berjemaah. Kita takmau macam tu ok?
2. Sometimes it's good to believe in Karma but we cannot totally rely on it. Put trust in yourself, and most importantly Allah because Allah once said in Surah al-Qasas verse 84,
"Siapa yang datang membawa kebaikan, baginya pahala yang lebih baik daripada kebaikannya itu; dan siapa yang datang membawa kejahatan, tidaklah diberi pembalasan kepada orang-orang yang telah mengerjakan kejahatan itu, melainkan seimbang dengan apa yang dahulu mereka kerjakan".
Sesungguhnya setiap kebaikan mendapat balasan lebih baik dari Allah dan setiap kejahatan mendapat balasan sebanding dengannya.
3. Doa itu senjata mukmin. Memang la kalau benda tu nak jadi, jadilah ia. Tapi kalau nak dapatkan something without effort, it's pointless jugak kan? Berdiam diri won't get you anywhere, unless that's where you set your target is. Go chase after your dream, people!
4. Be grateful with what you have. We sometimes take things for granted. Even the smallest things. Cuaca yang baik. Hujan rahmat. Ahli keluarga yang selalu ingatkan kita. Officemates yang baik. Rezeki yang melimpah ruah. So lets make dua for those who are less fortunate. Sebab ada orang yang tak bertuah macam kita.
The more you give, the more you receive :) |
Ok suma dah besaq2. Pandai2 la pikir. Tak suma yang buruk tu Allah saja2 nak timpa kat kita. Mesti ada hikmah. It's how we deal with Qada' and Qadar. Cewah nak masuk tazkirah pule. Tahla aku ni, menulis bagai nak rak, bolehla lepas ni buat buku tapi kalau kena kat aku sendiri, baru nak tau langit tu tinggi ke rendah. Aiseh!
Jom jom dengar lagu ni. The lyric is really something. Made me think. A lot.
Hmm what am I thinking????
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