Watched 'The Vow' with my housemate today sambil lunch. No excuse, I cried a bit. Huuuu sedih kot! It was the best movie I ever watched so far, selain PS I Love You and No String Attached. Well, The Notebook pon best jugak. Anyway, to be realistic - unless you're really lucky! You can never have a perfect love story like those in fairy tales. And even dalam movie pon, the storyline seems 'too good to be true'. Bukankah?
I vow to help you love life, to always hold you with tenderness, to have the patience that love demands, to speak when words are needed, and to share the silence when they are not, to agree to disagree about red velvet cake, to live within the warmth of your heart, and always call it home.
How do you look at the woman you love, and tell yourself that its time to walk away?
I vow to love you, and no matter what challenges might carry us apart, we will always find a way back to each other.
It's amazing how the husband can be so determined to help her wife gaining her memory back. Adoiii that was not an easy job. And one word I remember her wife saying, "I'm tired of disappointing you". Omg part tu touching sangat. Terseksa jiwa dan raga ku! Urghhh penderaan mental betul.
When you love someone that bad, you will do anything, for sure. You don't want him/her to be drifted apart from you kan? It's like when they're gone, your life seems dull. And pointless. But I'm glad Paige finally chose Leo instead of Jeremy yang macam tah pape tu haha. But thinking back, Jeremy tu cepat je broke up dengan Rose kan? Macam mengharap lagi dengan Paige. Errr. Opppsss bukan spoiler ye? Alaahhh aku rase sume orang dah tengok The Vow. Aku je yang terkedek2 bajet busy tak sempat tengok. Hahhaha.
To whoever you will be,
I pray to Allah that we both love Him with all our heart and together we will strive for His Jannah, insyaAllah.
I pray to Allah that we both love Him with all our heart and together we will strive for His Jannah, insyaAllah.

I don't want to fall in love, to have crush and later on CRASH.
Hahaha please Hidayah, sila bersangka baik :p
Hahaha please Hidayah, sila bersangka baik :p
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