Wednesday, September 28, 2011

One Day You'll Look Back and See

Today was just one of those days where everything I did reminded me of you and every song I heard somehow related to you. I hate days like today, because they remind me of the one thing I don't have. 

We'll see what comes next. Only Allah knows.

I just have to continue guarding myself not to cross the line anymore. Once again standing up and trying to let go. I hope you take care of yourself. Don't fall in sick and never stay out too late. Be motivated and always influence others in good ways. You've made my day before and I hope you would still do the same in future.
I'm gonna pack up my bags. I guess it's about time. 

Till then.

And today's gonna be a looooooong day =.='
hidayah shukor


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sweet Dream Teeheeee

Tak minat korea sgt tp anyonyonyooooo comelnyeeeeee XD

hidayah shukor


Please, What is This Feeling?


For a girl, 'that day' will always come. Upset stomach, nausea, headache, back pain; they were all unpleasant. I wasn't in the mood just now. Urgh xsuke gile. Rse nk mrh org, rse nk nanges. Taktaulahhh, suddenly, everything felt apart but I know there are some things not worth crying over. Complicated. Then ade lah sorg ni tetibe msg. Da la number takde dlm contact list. Lg la aku nk hangin kn. Tak pasal2 org tu kne mrh. Pkse gak bgtau sape nme die klau tak, mmg aku xkn reply ah. Takde mse nk men teka2 and melayan org xknal ni huh. *hahah garang takkkkk* It turned out it was a friend, a caring friend if you would. :) I said, "Oh, I'm glad it's you. I thought you're the kid who's trying to scam me again". Haha tp btolla, budak yg scam tu wat abes kredit aku je grrrrr~

And sooo, my friend and I talked. Rather, we chatted. Silent conversation can sometimes be helpful. It prevents you from spitting all those hateful words that come across your head. It gives you a minute to think and reflect. Although I can't see the other person's facial expression, I believe that he/she will listen to what I have to say. Later, at midnight, another friend called me when she was about to sleep! I'm aware that she's busy with her work and always come home late. I told her she didn't have to call me, it's just I needed someone at the moment. SMS will suffice but she called me instead. What a thoughtful friend. Thank you Allah. "Kau ni happy aa sket. Dah3 pegi tido", she laughed a bit. I'm being happy lah my friend, I just have a bad day. A bad news, I should say. But whatever it is, all these came from The Almighty Allah. He sent me those obstacles for me to face. And I should not give up.

Thank you Allah for giving me friends that will always be beside me. They've kept me company while I'm searching for my true self. My lord, show me your guidance and grant me your strength. Ameen.

hidayah shukor


Someone who's just like this. I wish.

"Tidak perlu mencari teman secantik Balqis andai diri tidak sehebat Sulaiman, tidak perlu seteguh Ibrahim andai diri tidak sekuat Hajar, mengapa mengharap teman setampan Yusuf jika kasih tidak setulus Zulaikha, mengapa di damba teman hidup sehebat Khadijah andai diri tidak sesempurna Rasulullah s.a.w"

hidayah shukor


Monday, September 26, 2011

Life Lesson 101

One. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.

Two. Marry a man or a woman you love talking to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other.

Three. Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.

Four. When you say, "I love you," mean it.

Five. When you say, "I'm sorry," look the person in the eye.

Six. Be engaged for at least six months before you get married.

Seven. Believe in love at first sight.

Eight. Never laugh at anyone's dreams. People who don't have dreams don't have much.

Nine. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt, but its the only way to live life completely.

Ten. In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling, please.

Eleven. Don't judge people by their relatives.

Twelve. Talk slowly but think quickly.

Thirteen. When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, "why do you want to know?"

Fourteen. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.

Fifteen. Say "bless you" when you hear someone sneeze.

Sixteen. When you lose, don't lose the lesson.

Seventeen. Remember the three R's- Respect for self; Respect for others; Responsibility for all your actions.

Eighteen. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.

Nineteen. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.

Twenty. Smile when picking up the phone, the caller will hear it in your voice.

Twenty-one. Spend some time alone. And reflect yourself.

Thanks for letting me share this. Thanks Belle! :)
hidayah shukor


Oh Well

I'm beginning to question your actions. What are your intentions? I don't quite get it. Please explain to me every single thing. Help me understand you. 

hidayah shukor


Kecik Hati Keeeee


Igt tak ade satu hari tu aku trse dgn someone? Then tjumpe wall post ni. Ehem curi kejap hihi. Sme2 amek iktibar ye! ^_^


"Mengecilkan hati orang adalah berdosa, berkecil hati jugak adalah berdosa. Tetapi lebih besar dosanya jika kita berkecil hati"

I'm so confused...

Kenapa orang kecilkan hati kita, kita pulak yang berdosa?
Then I asked my dad what that means.

Ayah : Jika seseorang hina kita, dia berdosa. Jika kita terasa diri dengan penghinaan dia, kita juga berdosa. Tetapi dosa kita lebih besar dari dosa dia..
Anak : Uiiiii..tapi kenapa pulak? Kita tak buat apa-apa pun?
Ayah : Kerana orang yang menhina kita tu adalah peringatan daripada Allah.
Anak " *blur garu2 kepala*
Ayah : Kenapa kita dihina oleh orang itu? Kerana itu adalah ujian daripada Allah. Kenapa Allah hadiahkan kita ujian tu? Kerana Dia nak mengingatkan diri kita yang dah leka dengan dunia. Bila kita berkecil hati dengan orang tersebut, bermakna kita tak redha dengan ujian yang Allah turunkan. Kesimpulannya, kita bukan kecil hati dengan orang, tapi kecil hati dengan Allah.
Anak : Ooooo...okkkk...
Ayah : Lagi parah kalau kita pun cerita pada kawan-kawan kita. "Dia dah banyak buat aku macam ni, macam tu..." dan sebagainya. Dan kawan-kawan kita pula akan cerita pada kawan-kawan lain. "Kesian kawan kita tu..budak tu dah banyak sakitkan hati dia..". Jadi keredhaan kita terhadap ujian Allah tu akan lesap.
Anak : Gulp! *termakan cili*

Sooooo...the conclusion is, jgn mudah trasa hati...mknanya kita tak redha dgn Allah..nnt Allah pn tak redha dgn kita...Na'uzubillah.

Ayah tambah lagi, "Sebenarnya, setiap kali orang memuji kamu, seharusnya kamu rasa malu. Ucaplah astaghfirullah al-azim kerana orang memuji kamu disebabkan Allah telah menutup aib dan kelemahan kamu. Dan letakkanlah sepenuh kepercayaan pada Allah. Percaya. Sesungguhnya Allah tak akan sia-siakan kamu"


Alright peeps. Does that ring any bell to you? Because for me, it did. Iman di dada tidaklah begitu kuat tapi aku yakin, kasih sayang Allah terhadap kita teramatlah banyak, melimpah ruah. Jika diberi kesusahan, itu adalah ujian buat kita. Untuk meningkatkan iman dan mendekatkan diri kepada-Nya. Dan jika diberi kesenangan, itu juga ujian. Untuk menguji sejauh mana tahap kesyukuran kita terhadap nikmat kurniaan-Nya. Aku ni ckp je pndai, aplikasi belum tentu. Sama2 lah kita berubah ke arah kebaikan dan saling ingat-mengingatkan antara satu sama lain. Ohhh comics ni dpt from sni.

Kadang aku terpikir, layakkah aku menerima ujian Allah? Tapi layakkah aku dikurniakan rahmat Allah? 
Ahhhh. Confuse. Complicated. Tapi apa-apapun..

قُلْ إِنْ تُخْفُوا ما في‏ صُدُورِكُمْ أَوْ تُبْدُوهُ يَعْلَمْهُ اللَّهُ وَ يَعْلَمُ ما فِي السَّماواتِ وَ ما فِي الْأَرْضِ وَ اللَّهُ عَلى‏ كُلِّ شَيْ‏ءٍ قَديرٌ [surah Ali Imran ayat 29]

Katakanlah:" Jika kamu menyembunyikan apa yang ada dalam hatimu atau kamu melahirkannya, pasti Allah mengetahui." Allah mengetahui apa- apa yang ada di langit dan apa- apa yang ada di bumi. Dan Allah Maha Kuasa atas segala sesuatu.

hidayah shukor


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Of Bella and Moon


Suatu pagi tu aku lmbt bsiap. Padahal Moon da habaq nk mai around pukoi 11 cmtu tp aku dok chilex2. Tup2 depa da kt depan pintu umah. Aku dgn xpkai tudung lg. Ditakdirkan pulak hari tu tudung aku tamau jadi. Ahhh hangin2. Tp xpa, sapa nk heran pn kn keh3.

Sayang hampa hihihihi <3
Lama gila xjumpak Bella weyh! Nk dkat 5 taon kot huhu. Tp dia dok gila2 cm dlu gak. Just makin pwettyyyy hihihi. So kami btiga p Queensbay. Dsbbkn kami (aku n Bella) ni baloq liat, kami suro Moon parking kt dlm mall, dkat sket heheh. Moon plak nk saving so dia nk park kt luaq nuuuu (padahai singgit ja kot podaaaaaaa hahahhahaha). Aku ngn Bella kata, 'Takpa2, kami bayaq". Orait. Set.

Lapaq tp before tu pekena eskrem sat. Bajet org kaya p Baskin Robbins tp last2 bli satu cup share tiga org jugakkkk. Choiiii. Kebetulan hari Rabu hari pink sedunia, dpt murah sket. Jambu gitu hihihi. Klau ampa pkai something kaler pink, dpt la offer ni. Da sah2 kami ni bkn minah jambu haihh. Cari punya cri jmpak gak pink brooch aku. Jadila kan. Finelaaa aku jgk yg jambuuuuu. Fine.

Moon and me. Mkn x hengat duniaaaa~
Ok pstu plan nk p mkn tp tgk jam, wayang da nk stat. Klau nk p mkn satgi rushing plak. Takpa2 mkn tu kita tangguh sat. Haa mula2 aku punya la smgt promote Harry Potter sbb da penah tgk kt Sunway Pyramid dgn Mia n Acap. Aku xkesah kot tgk 2 kali so aku ley ja temankn Moon n Bella. It turned out I'm not a good promoter sbb masa last2 tu Bella asek dok tny bila cita tu nk habeh hahahhahah. Bellaaaa why belllaaaaa? Salah akukahhhhh? Cita tu best kot, just duration dia pjg sket laaa. Mia siap tacink2 lg what. :p

Omg lepaih habes cita kami lapaq gila habaq hang. Meluru2 p Pizza Hut hihi. Tamak punya pasai, kami order byk gilaaaaaaa. Dh la order set hat ada Thai seafood pizza, mushroom soup pstu depa pksa aku order dessert lg. Aku kata aku tamau la satgi byk sgt mknn, takdak sapa nk perabih pstu mbazir ja (fine la aku bceramah kt situ haha). Tp last2, surrender gak. Order gak dessertttt (kena paksa sobs).

Dok gatai bgambaq plak. Kata lapaq hahah~
Skali mai pizza, Bella p order lagi lasagna, Moon order spagetthi pulak. Perut tong ka hapa haiiiii. Kenyang tahap gaban punya, skali lupa plak kami order dessert. Adoiii pulon2 perabeh. Last2 tatahan da, kenyang sgt. Suma pakat tala mknn kt aku suro perabeh. Hoiiiiii~

besela pmpn xle idop tnp cermin keh3
Kenyang sudaaaaa. ^____^  Ok last2 parking kena bayaq 4 hengget - ikut jam rupanya hahaha. Tketaq2 aku ngn Bella nk bayaq. Hahah td bjanji sgt kekekekee. Moon pn dgn muka selamba, "I said so". Hik.

Moralnya, parking la keta jauh2 so ampa dpt mengelakkan dr baya tiket and secara xlgsung, dpt beriadah skali hik3. Ohhhh jgn tamak dan jgn mbazir (ehhhh dua-dua pon kami tak, okay?). Hihihihi adios~

hidayah shukor


Chasing Pavements

Should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements even if it leads nowhere? 

Ohhhh Adele, why you're so.........ME? :(

We can plan our future but Allah decides everything. Whatever Allah is planning to give me, I'd be ready to accept it but one thing for sure, I won't give up. I'll just wait even if it takes forever.

I know I can't have something I don't deserve but please Allah, at least make me strong

“Seorang teman yang jika engkau temui akan mengingatkanmu akan kewajibanmu terhadap Allah itu lebih baik bagimu dari seorang teman yang selalu memberimu segenggam dinar.” Hassan Basri

hidayah shukor


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Why do you have to be so damn obvious? 

Sedih. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :(((((

I should not give up. EVER.

hidayah shukor


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Pakcik Mempelam


Aku suka gila mangga. *tetibe* Bukan manga or mangga yg majalah tuuu.

Mangga as in mempelam. Sbb tu smlm, mama pegi satu gerai ni bli mempelam utk aku.

"Pakcik, berapa harga pelam ni?"
"Sekilo lima hengget"
"Laaa awat mahal sgt? Kt Billion tiga ringgit lapan kupang ja" <-terer tak mak aku hapal haha
"Tu pelam Siam. Ni pelam Setiawan"
"Ohhh ok"

Pstu ada sorg akak ni nk dtg bli pelam jgk. Akak tu tegur mak aku.

"Kak, cmna nk tau pelam tu manis ka dak eh?"
"Haaa cuba tgk kulit pelam ni. Klau ada getah2 kt kulit dia, mknanya manis la tu" <- ini tips ya adik2
"Ohhh cmtu kaaa"

Tiba2 pakcik tu menyampuk.

"Haaa mcm org pmpn la jugak. Klau nk cri, cri yg bgetah"


Sekian laporan dari mama.

hidayah shukor


Marble Cake Pengubat Hati


Beberapa hari lps, saya kecik ati dgn seseorg. Trase sket dgn dia tp xpelah, mungkin dia ada sbb knp dia buat mcm tu. Dan bkn mcm ini. Hehe. Tapi seperti biasa, nk menghilangkn rasa sebak di dada kita haruslahhh baking yeay! And so, recipe ni dpt from sorg makcik kt umah sy. Sukalah bile tau ade org pndai baking and rjin share recipe hihi. Sy tau ade sorg kwn sy Syera yg reti wt marble cake. Sedap pulak tu. Kdg2 time open house kt Vandy, die slalu je wt marble cake. Anyway, rupe2nye ta susah pn buat kek ni. Hihi.

sorry lighting tak berape bagusss
250g mentega 
2 cawan tepung kek
1 cawan gula (guna gula halus tauuuuu)
6 biji telur (amek 4 je telur putih)
3 sudu serbuk coklat
1 sudu teh esen vanilla

Alhamdulillah menjadi for the first time hih hih hih. Haaa simple kan. Firstly, mix together eggs+butter+sugar. Msuk esen vanilla then tepung kek. Asingkan lebih kurang 1/3 adunan (lg sikit lg bgus sbb tkut klau choc byk sgt nnt pahit lak) and msukkan serbuk choc. Tuang adunan yg mule2 td (bkn yg choc tu) dlm baking tray. Pstuuu haaa bru tuang yg choc kt ats skali. Finally kacau cake batter dgn lidi ke garpu ke, wt la corak2 ikut creativity hihi. Jgn kacau ganazz sgt nnt kang nmpk comot. Tp org kate, seni itu abstract kn. So ikut suke korg lah keh3.

Selamat mencuba kawan2! 

Oh nk promote blog kwn sy ni Atika Che Omar. Tingin gle nk ade blog mcm ni. Bilekah ituuuuuu? 

Nak jugak please?
hidayah shukor


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Eee eee euuww

It's quite surprising how people can be so natural when they're speaking to you. Because when I'm with you, I'm completely not myself. Hik3 <3
hahhahaha hipokrit siotttttt. ok sile pegi muntah :))

Lg satu, tak paham knape ade sesetengah org yg xle tgk org lain sng. Mule la dia nk panas *** kan. Ya Allah, jgn smpai aku emo2 xtntu psl. Kang de org kne mrh free2 je. Dok bsabar ni, smpai ble tatau. Mind your own business pls? Kthxbye. ^____^ *fuh lega sket kekekekkee*

“Remember, always give your best. Never get discouraged. Never be petty. Always remember, others may hate you. But those who hate you don't win unless you hate them. And then you destroy yourself.” - Richard M. Nixon
hidayah shukor


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Dear Someone

Dear John,

I feel sorry for you. I just couldn't bear to have that feeling anymore. I want it be burn and gone. I need to find back my dignity and true self. I don't want to be pat nor patting someone else, in this case, patting you. A friend and just a friend. I need to clarify this with myself and really be ready to treat you as one. I want to look at you and see nothing. I want to talk to you with zero awkwardness. I am not building a wall here, only a plasma screen between you and me to hold myself back from holding you, like I used to. It's best if I put the end to the show. I am tired of it already. The unfortunate is only me for loving you this much.

I always want to write this but I am afraid if I am showing too much. I believe in God's promise, every living things came with a partner. Either we'll find them earlier, later, harder or easier. I was back then really hoping that it was you. Maybe it's because you are warmth to people and easy to help others. I took you mistakenly and fell for your kindness. I feel happy and most content besides you. I missed the thoughts that other people may also feel the way I did and fell for you. It wasn't your fault to be naturally born nice, in my case I'm the one in guilt.

If you by any chance reading this, I am truly sorry for making it harder for you. You told me thousands of time not wait, hold nor expect. I did several times not to do those things you told me not to but really your charm destructs it all at once. I have no chance to hate you or at least have the guard to ignore you. Even if I did it won't last longer than a week. I tried, I truly did. I am so sorry I failed.

Well then, I guess I just have to continue guarding myself not to cross the line anymore. Once again standing up and trying to let go. I hope you take care of yourself. Don't fall in sick and never stay out too late. Be motivated and always influence others in good ways. I miss our old time when I can just sit near you and tell you everything and you tell me yours. We are so near yet so far. If I ever be given any super power I hope it would be to make you fall for me over and over again and never be apart from me. Because, I without any spell, with my modest heart falling for you over and over again. You've made my day before and I hope you would still do the same in future. Till then.

Pinjam kejap from blog ni. 
*sigh* Pehal nih. Mama da pesan jgn slalu mengeluh, tak elok. =.='

hidayah shukor


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

padan muka

padan muke kt diri sniri. sape suro pegi klik pstu bace. pstu sedih sorg2. tak malu ke. padan muke byk3 kali. huh.

hahahah emo takkkkkk :p

hidayah shukor