Hi there! Still here though, beranikan diri dgn dunia blogging lg hehe. When it's painful to look back at the past, I keep on walking and moving on. I know I made mistakes and have disappointed so many hearts in my college life but I can't turn back time. Might get annoyed of me saying 'sorry' for zillions of time but what more could I do, people can forgive but they can't forget. People are probably right when they say they were hurt by me because sometimes, I am not aware of my wrongdoings. I'm not a child anymore but I need to be reminded and like others, I don't like to be scolded and get yelled at.
"Dan apabila Kami memberikan nikmat kepada manusia, ia berpaling dan menjauhkan diri, akan tetapi apabila ia ditimpa malapetaka maka ia banyak berdoa." [Surah Fushshilat Ayat 51]
Oh. Ok. So.
Hello semua!!! :)
hidayah shukor
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