I know I'm a heavy thinker and lately, I've been thinking what kind of friend I am. Well, I should say, I'm a really complicated human being. I don't think the way I'm thinking is the same as any other typical girl. To all my friends out there, I am so greatly thankful for being surrounded by you guys, the wonderful people. While I'm trying to be a better friend, you guys have showered me with all the love and happiness. Your patience to endure my clumsiness, my silly acts, the awkward moments I've created, those hateful words I wish I'd never thought of, the stupid conversation I started and so many other things that if I recall, I might burst into tears. It might be true when people say I sometimes can be dramatic because I think too much that it will annoy some people. I'm not (mind you) telling you how much I've hurt my friends and how bad I am as a friend but I just want to voice out what's left in this tiny place called heart. After what had happened, I don't know who to turn to and that's why I'm blogging (again). I've been into blogging once but I think I've shared too much. I've had a conversation with a friend (well I know her for quite a long time but I haven't met her in person yet) about whether I'm sharing too little or too much and she said it's up to you because it's your right. While it's true people might salute you for being super duper honest but sometimes, the truth might embarrass you. That's why people prefer to keep things to themselves. Some things are better kept as secret, right? But as for now, I don't care if no one's reading this because I don't intend to share my blog with anyone. Not just yet.

Came across this while reading Aimie Habban's
post (I love her blog to death; such an inspirational one weeee!). It's from Madagascar. Hey I watched that movie too! :p
"Listen Moto Moto. You better treat this lady like a queen because you my friend, you found yourself the perfect women. If I was ever so lucky to find the perfect women I would give her flowers everyday and not just any flowers, okay? Her favorites are orchids, white, and breakfast in bed... six loaves of wheat toast with butter on both sides, no crust. The way she likes it. I'd be her shoulder to cry on and her best friend and I'd spend everyday trying to think of how to make her laugh. She has the most, most amazing laugh. Well that's what I would do if I were you."
It is such an amazing thing to hear, especially when it's coming out from your closest one. I wish Allah will make things easy for me and my friends. Thank you guys for putting up with me constantly, every second of the day. I hate to cut it short but to be less dramatic, lets just put our sweetest smile and be happy with what we got. Allah is Merciful, ya know?
Have you ever wondered what hurts most? - saying something and wishing you hadn't, or saying nothing and wishing you had?
hidayah shukor
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