
I've always wanted to be a prefect at school but the highest position I ever get was 'Penolong Ketua Darjah'. At the end of year, my class teacher wanted everybody to have at least a role in the class. I was Standard 6 at that time and being granted an important role for the first time, I felt so happy. Haha budak2 kan. One day 'Ketua Darjah' was absent so I have to do his work. Great. Thanks pal but that's what a helper should do kan? Da nama pn 'penolong' hihihi. Greeting the teachers 'Selamat Pagi Cikgu' and updating the logging book for attendance kt pejabat skola; it was all nostalgic. Cewahhh time tu rse cm bertanggungjawab gilaaaaa.
Really, I was really naive back at those days. Just imagine, I helped my friends to act as a 'ghost' in a role play after they treated me RM2.00 for a nasi ayam kt kantin. Thinking back, it was so embarrassing since I have to wear 'telekung' and acted all silly. Gosh, can I not mention it anymore? But I guess they asked me just because I was not the outspoken one and a shy girl. Or rather, invisible. I know it sounded emo. Haha who cares. Cmnepn, it was an honor for me when some of my friends still remember me until now. Even my kindergarten friends.
Dear Allah, I'm so blessed. (^_^)
A friend of mine since primary school. Ikut aku smpai high school and university~ |
Friend are like color pencils. They color our lives. I may not be your favorite color but I hope you will need me some time to color your picture.
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