It was raining the other day. I was laying on my bed and staring at the ceiling fan so it can go slower. The solemness was heavy throughout my room. With my friends are all in KL (well, almost) and since I have nothing to do at home (obviously I have to help my mom with the chores BUT!), I suddenly felt a little bit lonely. Ahhhh I hate the feeling. Sangat. All those sad and regretful things; they came all at once. Urgh, I should've kept myself busy and just enjoy my life. (tetibe de lagu Lenka - Just Enjoy The Show)
Npe typical sgt, ble hujan je MESTI tingat mcm2 benda? =.='
Tidakkkk. This is not what I wanted to say. Scratch that out.
Ok so here it goes. Actually satu mlm tu, I dreamt of my best friend Jannah. She was advising me on how to spend my money wisely. (Yes friend, you came on the right time!) I bet she would do the same thing to me in real life heeee. :) I guess what she meant was from now on, I have to plan carefully on how to manage my expenses. In college, MARA paid for our housing and tuition fees. we (the students) lived in a cozy environment where all we have to think about was to goyang kaki and study hik. I was spending my money appropriately until I reached my final year at Vanderbilt (here's where I wish life could have had an "Undo" button. Haahaha as if!). And so, as I was saying; this is the time when you see others dressed to kill and have so many branded things that you suddenly want one too. *patting head* (I can feel you girl - myself)
I cannot believe how I've bought myself Coach handbags just for the sake of being up-to-date with fashion nowadays. Haihh manusia2, msti tanak mengalah punye. Tp xpela kn, da bli pakai je la hehe. Ok2 janji pasni tak bazir2 da lol. Bukan ape, what I want to say is, how I've changed (in so many ways), really surprises me. Like duh, I'm not that feminine; I don't wear girls' flip-flops (slipa jamban adelaaa) and make up (sgt jarang ok?). But, that's not the point. What I want to say is, while it's true you should buy things that satisfy you but keep in mind the difference between need and want. Sesungguhnya membazir tu kn amalan syaiton nirrojimmm (cewahhhh). Oklah, tak larat nk bebel byk2. Talk to you later peeps.
Now who's gonna get me these?
hidayah shukor
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