Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Of All The Times

Dok ulang-alik depan pintu tu. Nampak kelibat manusia. Ramai. Tapi mata terpaku kat 3 orang kat satu meja ni. Dua pompuan, sorang laki.

"Biarlah". Sekadar menyedapkan hati, takmau melayan perasaan sangat.

Keesokan harinya..

"Kenapa buat macam tu? Dah tau kan tak elok?!!"

Diam. Kepala ditundukkan. Serabut.
"Mana nak tau. Tak cakap pun?"

Dua-dua terdiam. Tapi yang sorang lagi tetap makan hati. Terus berlalu pergi. Off handphone.


"Seronok sembang nampak?"

"Mintak nasihat. Bukan orang lain, kawan je pun" =.='

"Ok fine...tau tak orang tak sihat ni?"




"Tengah buat apa tuuu?" *suara gedik-gedik sikit*

"Nak tido dah. Esok ada performance. Wish me luck"

"Ohh..ok2. Hmm..tau kan exam dah dekat"

"Iye. Orang tau la"
A long pause.
"I know what I'm doing".
Nak marah pun ade. Urgh.

"I just want to make sure it's all worth it"

"Do you want me to quit and go home now?"


"Then it's agreed. I'm gonna do this and I'll prove it to you one day"

Result exam keluar. Final sem. CGPA 3.81.

If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, only then would you realize how special you are to me


hidayah shukor


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