Aku ni kan. Dah lama berkenan. Bole pandang je tapi tak dapat2 lagi. Hahah apekah ituuuu??
1) Tadaaaa~!!! Iphone 4 heeee. Teringin gile nak beli. Tapi belum cukup duit maa. Kawan aku cakap around RM2000++ gak. Kalau beli, alamatnye puasa sebulan ah aku hahaha. Takpe2, kite stat menabung sekarang okeh? *pesan kat diri sendiri*
Heheh banyak benda aku nak buat tapi takde masa.
2) Bukak ASB account - either kat Inderawasih or pulau (Penang)
Ayah encourage aku simpan duit dalam ASB. Dapat dividen around 10% kot, Around tu la. So far aku rase ASB je yang bagi pulangan yang lumayan. Kehkehkeh. Haruslah menabung demi masa depan. Kalau bukan untuk future family, at least untuk diri sendiri and parents. Oh oh hajat nak pegi umrah (at least) belum tercapai. Bilakah itu? Kurang2 kena ada RM6000++ gak tuuu. Adoiii boleh tanam pokok 'duit' takkkkkkkk?? :))
There is no hardship which afflicts a Muslim but that Allah expiates with it some sin of his, even a thorn which pricks him ~Muslim and Bukhari
There is no hardship which afflicts a Muslim but that Allah expiates with it some sin of his, even a thorn which pricks him ~Muslim and Bukhari
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InsyaAllah, we'll meet there ;) |
3) Nak join spa and slimming program kat E-joy
Hahahahah bajet retis. Kena ade budget duluuuu. To be honest, aku tengah makan herbalife sekarang. Tapi yang shakes tu je. Dulu rajin minum pagi and petang. But now minum time breakfast je. Balik2 keje terus cari nasi. Huaaa teruk betul. Susah nak konsisten kan? Alih2 aku rase sekarang makin gemok pulak. Ape ke pelik tuh?
Ok tu jelah for now. Nak list banyak2 takut tak tercapai pulok. Hahaha. Doa2kan lah agar impian ini menjadi kenyataan ye.
Quotes for tonight (by anonymous),
You know why is it so fun to be part in some charity? It is because we help people. And the pahala, the pahala that will guide us to our future in another life. Everytime I'd open mind and I think "Did I do any dosa today?"
It is very strange that Allah has other creations besides you while you do not have any God besides Him; However, He looks after you as if He has no creations besides you, while you serve Him as if you have other God besides Him ~Ar-Razi

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