Friday, April 20, 2012

Mucho Gracias, Amigos


Aku bru balik keje sejam yang lalu. Yep, pukul 11malam. HAHA orang cakap, kalau balik lambat tu either memang style buat keje lambat OR memang habit suke abeskan keje kat ofis. Me? Erk I don't know. Yang aku tau kalau aku still struggle (a bit) nak prioritize things. My bos ajar, when you don't write things down, you don't have the list to follow up. When you have the list then you can set the priority. Baru la dapat check one by one. Tapi ape2 pun, sampai2 ofis, aku selalu berdoa tak dapat email yang menggerunkan. From my bos. Yela since she's in Taiwan right now. I have to be the person in charge. Aiyakkkk susah wehhhhh T_T

Phew phew this week memang challenging habes. Especially today. For the past days, I was so caught up with work and forgot to take care of my health. Nasib baik minggu ni Health Week hehe. Semalam buat Blood Pressure checking dengan Hospital Pantai. Alhamdulillah tak rendah macam yang selalu check kat umah. This time my blood pressure is normal heeee. Pagi tadi lak wat Blood Screening dengan ProLab. Diorang amek sample darah and wat test. Next week baru dapat result. Sample urine pon diorang collect. Doktor cakap darah aku kurang oksigen. Heee sebab tak lama exercise kot *muka sorok bawah katil*. And maybe sebab tidur tak cukup. Huuuu~

Ok tu pasal health. And I don't want to talk about work anymore. At least for now. And since tomorrow is Friday kan. Looking forward to weekend lah, ape lagi! Nak cakap pasal..erk..yeayyy masuk bowling tournament on 12&13 May!!! Suke kot. Da lame tak main heee. Masalahnye sekarang, tehtiba pulak kawan saya sorang ni suruh jadi captain. Gila ke hape. Main pun masuk longkang hewhew. Like seriously. Aku suke bowling tapi nak dapat strike tu memang jangan harap ah. Spare pon jarang2. Team tu kena ade 2 guys and 4 girls. Kawan saya tu cakap team die tak cukup lagi sorang. Sebab tu saya diajak masuk. Kena buliiiii T_T

Selasa ritu ade sorang akak tu tegur, "Adik ni ade mix Arab2 ke?". The heck. Tak macam Arab langsung!! Pentipu gile haha. Pastu bile aku cakap aku grad US, die macam "Fuyooooo". Erk bagi aku kan. It doesn't matter kalau ko grad mane2 pon. Janji ko ade that soft skills (communication skill especially) and you can present yourself in front of people. With confidence, of course. For me, I don't think I have that *secara jujurnya*. Still belajar2 untuk jadi peramah dan confident bila bercakap dengan orang. Another thing is, my director penah pesan, "There's no use if you have the info/knowledge but you don't know how to use it". See? I might graduate from US University but do I have strong fundamental in Chemical Engineering? Maybe not!! HAHA *salahkan diri sendiri sebab tak pay attention dalam kelas dan selalu krogh krogh krogh*

On a different note, I suddenly remember. My friend sorang ni penah cakap, "Dayah, doakan aku berjaya dalam career and life. Yeayyy terima kasih. LOL"

"InsyaAllah la. Ko da dapat keje kat XXXX tu, bright future pe. Actually kan, it depends on how long you want to stay there. Bukan senang nak dapat keje kat XXXX tu (contoh terdekat aku) HAHA. So jangan lepaskan chance. Keh3 macam ibu penyayang takkkkk. Tapi honestly, ko cam pandai bawak diri je? Kalau ade orang nak perlekeh ko ke ape, ko pandai fire balik. Kalau macam aku ni, senyap je. Senang2 orang nak pijak kepala (macam aku keje sekarang ni). Takut jadi camtu ooo. Sebab keje aku ni, kena make sure opinion aku accounted in the discussion. Kalau aku diam je, it means aku takde contribution to my team. Heheheh tu je tazkirah untuk malam ni" *panjangnya reply...macam jawab soklan SPM heh*

Bukan senang nak impress orang kan? Ok, enough scaring myself already. Tu je la. Da pukul 1230 malam. Aku ngantok sesangat ni. Pening kepala pun ade. Esok nak pegi keje lambat ah *hihihihihi mode sesuka hati*

Whatever it is, things won't change. Because I never told you. That I love you already.

Nak gelak everyday aci takkkk? Thank you friends!!!!! :)


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