Monday, January 23, 2012

Ally & Farah Lee :)


Ommo!!!! Diorang dah kawen!! Da la aku minat gile Ally Iskandar ni. I mean suke his character yang banyak cakap, sporting and funny at the same time. One of my favorite TV hosts. Alhamdulillah dia da jumpe jodoh kan. Tula penah terpikir jugak, Ally ni bile la nak kawen ye? Heh heh heh. *kepohnye aku hahaha*
Sangat sweet kan? :)
 Aku tersangat la excited sebenarnye. Kenape? Sebab aku dok ikut blog Farah Lee tu. Tup2 dia kawen dengan Ally. Terkejut jugak la. Tapi nak tau ape lagi yang mengejutkan?

Rupa2nya dia adik angkat Zizan Raja Lawak.
Amboi Zizan, kemain ko eh.
Yang cute2 sume ko amek hahahhahah.

 Tapi takpela, Farah Lee tu memang cute pon. Ehhh ayu, bak kate Ally hehehe. Actually Farahin Ramli (Farah Lee) ni orang Ganu, senior kepada adik Ally. Dia third year student kat South Korea, amek mechanical engineering. Haaa hebat kannn? :) Since Ally cakap dia nak cari wife, adik dia pun rekemen la si Farahin ni. Yang Farahin pulak memang berniat nak kahwin masa study. Haaa lupe pulak. Bace la blog Farah Lee ni. Aku suke sebab ade unsur2 Islamic sikit hehe. Lepastu story2 dia sume interesting :) Full article pasal wedding diorang bole bace kat sini ye.
Sesuai kan? Semoga korang bahagia hingga akhir hayat :D

They believe love after marriage. Bukankah itu yang sebaiknya? Jodoh itu rahsia Allah. Berdoalah agar dipertemukan dengan seseorang yang dapat membimbing kamu ke jalan Allah, bukan sebaliknya. 
Berilah hatimu hanya untuk Allah, pasti Allah temukan padamu pemilik terbaik. Hamparkan masamu seluasnya hanya untuk Allah, pasti Allah aturkan seluruh kehidupanmu sebaik-baiknya.
Let’s help each other to Jannah. Don’t pull others down as you go up. Instead, reach out a hand and help those who are down when you are up. Takmil wa istikmal. Salinglah melengkapi :)
A man asked Hasan bin Ali (R.A), "I have a daughter and people have proposed her, so to whom should I marry her?" He said, "Marry her to the one who fears Allah, for if he loves her, he will honor her; and if he hates her, he will not wrong her"

The best love story for a Muslim is finding another Muslim who makes their Imaan rise, makes them want to gain knowledge & become more pious.

InsyaAllah :')
 I'm not an expert in love. Seriously, not at all. And bukannya alim sangat pun. But girls, I found this and put it on my tumblr. I think it's a good one and we should keep this in mind :D

In islam, when u fall for someone as a girl, then it is best to keep it to yourself. Pray to Allah that if he is the guy for you, then let Him ‘keep’ this guy for you as you personally work to be a good muslimah who pursues knowledge and protects her chastity. Always believe that Allah has the best plans for u and trust Him on that.


PAHAM DOP? *garang mode*

Mencuri gitar adalah haram. Curi hati takpe! - MatLuthfi

hidayah shukor


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